Friday, 10 February 2012

I'm tired and delirious, take pity on me.

I vote for China to replace Madame Mist as an Elder. I have a vote from Skulduggery, who else is with me? Aye or nay.


  1. Aye because I don't like Madame Mist, Nay because I have a feeling that she will become important later on.

    After she plays her role I would like to see Darquesse kill her.

  2. Yeah, I know that, Mist, but this is in Lego World where you just move people around and swap their heads and it doesn't make the slightest bit of difference to the future. So that's one aye from Mist.

  3. Nay. I want to see if your lego world is invaded by spiders.

    1. I sincerely hope not. I hate bugs. The only downside to having China as an Elder is that she might go nuts and draw symbols all over the Sanctuary. Madame Mist: Corruption of the system. I told you, Izz, you can't trust the system.

  4. Replies
    1. Zathract, Zathract. You won't eve vote for your own wife.

      Hahahahaha sorry that thought just popped into my head.

    2. That...wasn't even funny...but for some reason I laughed my head off...


    3. Sometimes things are just so not funny you have to laugh, in a very undignified manner.

  5. Oh, Eve, is Drucilla Nox good or neutral or bad?

    1. Well, her magic isn't used for fighting, but she has experience in martial arts. She normally isn't asked to fight, people usually ask her to use her power to help them. She doesn't have to be threatened to do something for someone, good or bad, but I'd she's asked to FIGHT for a bad guy, and she usually isn't, then she will look for the most painless escape possible. So you do what you want with her.

      Also, she dresses as if she's going to a funeral, and she doesn't feel fear, but she's not courageous either. She will never risk her life to save someone, and she hardly has a personality, if you know what I mean. If someone smiles at her, she'll return it with a smile devoid of warmth but not unfriendly either. I realise I am making this extremely hard for you. Maybe one day I'll write a story about her.

      It did surprise me when I found your name, Miles Knox. Nox, Nyx, Knox, Nix. This NX thing seems to be pretty popular. Anyway, have fun with Drucilla. :)

  6. Hello Eve the ROCK you sound awesome you are the best person in the world you are so interesting bye

  7. That's it, then. I've lost my mind.

    1. I almost laughed but stopped when I realized you might have been telling the truth...

    2. Oh I am, Mist, believe me. I've been talking to myself even after I found out it was the first sign of madness, and that was a long time ago. Um, *points to message from Anonymous* You see?


Comment and help yourself to the complementary bananas :)